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Physical Education

“Intelligence and skills can only function at the peak of their capacity, when the body is healthy and strong”

John F Kennedy

The Physical Education curriculum at Mayfield Grammar School aims to support all students to become physically literate through an exciting variety of high-quality physical activities that build the character, knowledge and resilience required to empower all students to lead happy, healthy and active lives

We offer a broad curriculum throughout all years with students receiving 4 hours of Physical Education a fortnight in Years 7,8 and 10, and 3 hours a fortnight in Years 9 and 11


Key Concepts

The Physical Education curriculum at MGSG has been designed to ensure that all pupils:

  • Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities.
  • Are physically active for sustained periods of time.
  • Engage in competitive sports and activities.
  • Lead healthy, active lives.


Key Skills

Our curriculum focuses on developing competence in the following key fundamental skills:

  • Locomotion
  • Jumping
  • Throwing
  • Catching
  • Kicking
  • Striking
  • Dodging
  • Balance

These skills are explored and developed through application to a broad range of activities.

Students explore theoretical content at GCSE and A-Level, which focuses on the key skills of applying and evaluating their knowledge.

What is taught?

Core PE

Year 7-13 PE Learning Journey

AQA GCSE and A-Level Physical Education

Academic Literacy in Physical Education

Key terminology is an essential component of Physical Activity, with a wide range of skill and tactical vocabulary used within the activities delivered. Students are held accountable to use and understand these terms within their lessons.

Within GCSE and A-Level, students are strongly encouraged to use the correct technical terminology, both in verbal and written form.

Students are encouraged to extend their interest in
Physical Education by…

Nurturing an interest in physical activity and sport outside the classroom. This can be achieved by viewing sporting events and engaging in regular physical activity.

Enrichment Opportunities

  • Clubs offered as part of our extra curricular timetable
  • Clubs external to school
  • School initiatives such as the Mayfield Challenge and Duke of Edinburgh
  • Inter-house and Sports Day events
  • Sport as part of the sixth form enrichment program on a Wednesday afternoon

Careers Guidance and Support for Physical Education:




MGSG Careers`